First southern bluefin tuna caught off a kayak
New Zealand's first ever southern blue tuna landed on a kayak
After almost a year after pulling in a marlin from a kayak, Greg Potter has another very special catch to rave about – only this time he managed to pull in a southern bluefin tuna, the first time ever someone has done so from a kayak in New Zealand.
Greg says he started to get the itch to embark on another game-fishing adventure from his kayak, so when he heard that southern bluefin tuna were passing down the West Coast of the North Island, he started to hatch a plan to catch one of the elusive fish.
“I first ventured down to Taranaki on 22-23 January to try my luck,” Greg says.
After 80km of paddling over two days with Tim Bertram, Greg returned to Auckland tuna-less.
“I wasn't done yet though,” he says.
“Unbelievably, a second weekend of amazing West Coast weather presented itself – and back down to Taranaki I went.”
Greg paddled more than 50kmsolo on Saturday, and landed numerous incredible fish, but no tuna.
“I woke up on Sunday feeling broken to say the least, but I hadn't driven five hours for nothing, so out I went,” he says.
“Twelve kilometres went by with not a fish or bird in sight. Then the water suddenly changed to a bright, crystal blue and I spotted some birds sitting on the water just up ahead of me. I paddled through them, and shortly after one of my lures got hit.”
Fifteen tense minutes of screaming runs and messy tangles later and Greg landed what he considers to be the fish of a lifetime – a magnificent 11.090kg southern bluefin tuna.

“The first one ever landed from a kayak in New Zealand waters – an achievement I am incredibly proud of,” Greg says.
Last year at Waihau Bay, Greg pulled in a marlin off his kayak, becoming only the third New Zealander to do so, joining the ranks of Terry Flowers and Matt Watson.
We’re looking forward to seeing what Greg and his trusty kayak will do next!